Monday 21 November 2011

Nurse; act 1!

When Juliet was born, I was her mother figure. I breast fed her, and watched her grow. She was like a child to me; I love her as I would love my own children. I stopped breast-feeding the young girl when she was just two years old she took it well. Juliet will be fourteen soon. My husband is dead, I loved him greatly and I miss him with all my heart, God rest his soul.

~Nurse. ;)


  1. I love Juliet aswell and I am greatful of how you cared for her. May your husband rest in peace.

  2. marisa and ashlie21 November 2011 at 13:26

    no no no, i am her mother and no one else. yes you may have cared for her in ways that she needed but no one will replace the motherly figure of me. god bless your husbands soul.

  3. I know you're really attached to Juliet and all, but can you stop with the lectures? DO something productive with your life and make me some breakfast, will yaa? Kay, thanks.

  4. My Lord, Nurse I am sure no one cares. Down with the Capulets, and especially their nurse. We now see why Juliet has such poor manners, she was raised by you.

  5. Even though you be a Capulet our hearts are with you dear lady, may your husband rest in peace. - Benvolio Montague

  6. Nurse, I will always hold you dear to my heart, and you are like a second mother to me. God rest your husbands soul. You have made me who I am today, and for this, I thank you.

  7. I am grateful that you raised such a beautiful woman for me to marry. Thank you.
