Monday 28 November 2011

Fork off, Let's SPOON! ;D

I require new spoons. Not just any spoons, but FLAVORED spoons. These spoons wouldn’t be for cooking however; these would just satisfy my need to always lick the spoons I am cooking with. I think they are necessary because I find that I’ve had some strange looking rashes around my mouth, but even with this infectious rash I cannot resist licking my spoons! The other Capulets have had this passed on and I’ve been trying my hardest to make sure the others don’t find out where they’ve acquired it. I need my flavored spoons, for Lady Capulet’s sake. It would be AWESOME.

( This is the Nurse if she were a spoon. :) )


  1. That spoon is a man

  2. Nurse, I have never seen a spoon like this before, you must show me one of the spoons you have obtained sometime.

  3. Dear Lord Nurse! You should speak to a physician immediately! And refrain from licking spoons while this infection ensues, who knows, it may be a return of the plague! - Benvolio Montague

  4. Please do show me that spoon.

  5. I will get you all the spoons in the world (flavored) if you keep my daugter away from Romeo.

  6. That is a good deal Lady Capulet. You must do everything to keep Romeo and Juliet away from eachother.
