Friday 2 December 2011

Act 3 :)

I’m glad that Juliet has found someone she loves and has married, but I’m not sure if he’s the right, proper match for her. The Lord had planned for her to marry Paris in just three days! I am shocked that Juliet’s own father would speak to her in that manner; it’s preposterous! The way Lord Capulet believes he can dictate Juliet’s life. Yes, he is her father, and better yet a Lord, but I love Juliet and I know she feels pressured into this. I just wish there was something I could do to fix this. Although in some regard I agree with what’s happening as I find Paris is much more… Suitable, for Juliet in every way opposed to Romeo! Speaking of Romeo’s traits, I can’t believe he killed Tybalt! Such vicious, disgusting acts, I can’t imagine what it would take to be forced to dirty one’s hands with vengeful blood. Though I can understand why he would go to such an extreme extent; Tybalt DID murder Mercutio, and Romeo is quite emotional person with a tendency to overreact, so one can assume that he would want revenge.

Resentment towards Lord Capulet for controlling Juliet.
Dismay towards Romeo for killing Tybalt.
Excitement towards Juliet for finding someone to be with.
( Ran out of time) D:


  1. Romeo is a horrible person, he does not deserve Juliet. Yes I am much more suitable I must agree with you on that one.

  2. Although Romeo and Juliet's families are ancient enemies, that does not mean that they are not the right match for each other. Love at any age is a wonderful thing and you should accept it. Luv ya bbg xoxox

  3. I am glad to have you by my side when my family has shunned me. Yet still, how can you ask me to marry Paris? I assume that you believe such a path would be beneficial, but I will tell you now: I will not be happy with such a future.
