Wednesday 14 December 2011

Act 5 : Alternate Ending

The Unexpected Romance Of Romeo and Nurse

I watched as Romeo descended, I knew he’d find her dead and be heartbroken. As irrational as Romeo is, he would want to end his life. If I followed him down there, I could convince him to find someone else… And I could be that someone else. I follow silently and peer around the corner as he begins to cry for her. Reciting his beautifully arranged vows of love, it felt like he was speaking them directly into my heart. I see him pull a vial out of is pocket and I rush in.
“Romeo! Oh Romeo! I know your heart is aching but we must get out of here. They’re looking for you! If you are caught you will be strewn from limb to limb, I can’t see that happen.” I pull him by the arm and we are on our way. We ran off holding hands, I didn’t know where we were going and neither did he. It didn’t matter, as long as we were together. <3


1 comment:

  1. Nurse, how could you? I wasn't really dead down in that crypt, only sleeping. How do you think it will feel for me to wake up and find that you've run off with my HUSBAND? My heart is broken all over again.
