Wednesday 14 December 2011

Act 5 : Alternate Ending

The Unexpected Romance Of Romeo and Nurse

I watched as Romeo descended, I knew he’d find her dead and be heartbroken. As irrational as Romeo is, he would want to end his life. If I followed him down there, I could convince him to find someone else… And I could be that someone else. I follow silently and peer around the corner as he begins to cry for her. Reciting his beautifully arranged vows of love, it felt like he was speaking them directly into my heart. I see him pull a vial out of is pocket and I rush in.
“Romeo! Oh Romeo! I know your heart is aching but we must get out of here. They’re looking for you! If you are caught you will be strewn from limb to limb, I can’t see that happen.” I pull him by the arm and we are on our way. We ran off holding hands, I didn’t know where we were going and neither did he. It didn’t matter, as long as we were together. <3


Tuesday 6 December 2011

Interview; Nurse.

Interviewer: So Ms. Nurse, what is your opinion on Lord Capulet's approach on telling Juliet about her marriage to Paris?
Nurse: I think his approach was barbaric! He was so loud and rude, I didn't know a father to speak so cruelly to his child.
Interviewer: What do you think of the marriage to Paris?
Nurse: I think it's a wonderful oppurtunity! Paris is a lovely gentlemen with perfect qualities.
Interviewer: What about Romeo?
Nurse: Compared to Paris, Romeo is a bumbling goof! He can't match his traits whatsoever. Though I am happy for Juliet being married and all, I think Paris would be a better choice.
Interviewer: How did you feel when you realized the young Juliet is dead?
Nurse: I felt as if my heart had been torn into pieces, I sank into a deep sorrow for all the Capulets. Such a young, beautiful girl she was... Tragic ain't it?
Interviewer: Erm, yes ma'am... How do you think the Lord feels?
Nurse: I think m'Lord is saddened by this tragic happening sir; though in some way I feel he is relieved. Relieved as if he was carrying something very heavy and has just dropped it off at its destination. He is a cruel, yet nice man.
Interviewer: Well, this has been... eye-opening.
Nurse: Good day sir.

Friday 2 December 2011

Act 3 :)

I’m glad that Juliet has found someone she loves and has married, but I’m not sure if he’s the right, proper match for her. The Lord had planned for her to marry Paris in just three days! I am shocked that Juliet’s own father would speak to her in that manner; it’s preposterous! The way Lord Capulet believes he can dictate Juliet’s life. Yes, he is her father, and better yet a Lord, but I love Juliet and I know she feels pressured into this. I just wish there was something I could do to fix this. Although in some regard I agree with what’s happening as I find Paris is much more… Suitable, for Juliet in every way opposed to Romeo! Speaking of Romeo’s traits, I can’t believe he killed Tybalt! Such vicious, disgusting acts, I can’t imagine what it would take to be forced to dirty one’s hands with vengeful blood. Though I can understand why he would go to such an extreme extent; Tybalt DID murder Mercutio, and Romeo is quite emotional person with a tendency to overreact, so one can assume that he would want revenge.

Resentment towards Lord Capulet for controlling Juliet.
Dismay towards Romeo for killing Tybalt.
Excitement towards Juliet for finding someone to be with.
( Ran out of time) D:

Monday 28 November 2011

Fork off, Let's SPOON! ;D

I require new spoons. Not just any spoons, but FLAVORED spoons. These spoons wouldn’t be for cooking however; these would just satisfy my need to always lick the spoons I am cooking with. I think they are necessary because I find that I’ve had some strange looking rashes around my mouth, but even with this infectious rash I cannot resist licking my spoons! The other Capulets have had this passed on and I’ve been trying my hardest to make sure the others don’t find out where they’ve acquired it. I need my flavored spoons, for Lady Capulet’s sake. It would be AWESOME.

( This is the Nurse if she were a spoon. :) )

Monday 21 November 2011

Nurse; act 1!

When Juliet was born, I was her mother figure. I breast fed her, and watched her grow. She was like a child to me; I love her as I would love my own children. I stopped breast-feeding the young girl when she was just two years old she took it well. Juliet will be fourteen soon. My husband is dead, I loved him greatly and I miss him with all my heart, God rest his soul.

~Nurse. ;)